Containing ultra-pure, high concentration Hyaluronic Acid, this treatment supports multiple layers of the face to improve skin laxity without adding volume.

What is Bioremodelling?

Bioremodelling is considered both preventative and corrective. With ageing of the skin comes reduced hydration, deterioration of collagen fibres and a loss of skin tone. Bioremodelling intervenes in these processes to help correct skin quality and firmness. It has a positive influence on components of the extracellular matrix to strengthen the skin and create optimal physiological conditions for fibroblasts, keratinocytes (skin cells) and all the layers of the face.

Bioremodelling is delivered via a specific injection technique that allows focus of the product action where the skin is most prone to ageing and where it may exhibit a loose, lack lustre appearance.

Who Is A Candidate?

This exciting new treatment is suitable for younger patients looking to preserve the youthful texture and elasticity of their skin right the way through to more sun damaged and older skin types that are seeking improvement in skin elasticity, wrinkling and loss of contour.

It is also well suited to those apprehensive of the potential volume effects of standard fillers and those pursuing a long term investment in the health and integrity of their skin.

What Can I Expect In A Treatment?

Like all medical procedures, you can expect a thorough consultation and assessment of your suitability for treatment before proceeding.

This product is manufactured in a way to improve biocompatibility and patient tolerability.

High fluidity of the product allows it to flow uniformly after injection so a minimal number of injection sites are required. This means a relatively quick and comfortable procedure.

We recommend two treatment sessions spaced one month apart initially, followed by 3, 6 or 12 monthly maintenance sessions.

Find out more.

In keeping with the Dr Becky ethos of natural results, this product is known for its subtle, ‘airbrushed’ effects and delivers supple, hydrated and youthful skin.

Book an appointment with us and explore the transformative power of bioremodelling for radiant, youthful skin.